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Justin's Beach House

A bit of cyberspace dedicated to keeping concerned folks updated on the antics of two kooky kids, their pug and a new puppy! Stay tuned....

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Special Thank You

So before another day goes by I wanted to make sure that I publicly give mucho thanks to my Aunt Charlene and Uncle Don for graciously signing over a car to me. It was an incredible gift and it was very much appreciated.

Thank you again!

Monday, December 01, 2008

A Moment of Silence, Please

So luckily my wonderful wife talked me into delaying my Wednesday evening departure for TN to an early Thursday morning trip. Had I left on my schedule no telling what might have happened. I had made jokes before saying that I loved it so much that I would drive it until the wheels fell off... Well, it's kind of funny really...

You see my friends, the Rhino has died.

Yes, a wheel fell off. Okay, not "fell" per se, more of a breaking of the rear axil inside the brake to where the wheel popped off at 70+ miles an hour, hit me in the rear of the vehicle and then sped past me down interstate 40 as I dragged to a stop, luckily, on the side of the road.

The money to make the immediate repair, not to mention anything else that might occur in the immediate future, is simply too much to justify and she must be put down. Over 200,000 miles and in my care for 11 of her 13 years, we have been through a LOT together and it saddens me greatly to make that decision, but it had to be made.
Let us bow our heads...
Thank you for keeping me and my friends safe in our travels. Thank you for the years of enjoyment and support. And may you bull-gear your way through mud holes and over tiny expensive compact cars forever... You will be missed.