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Justin's Beach House

A bit of cyberspace dedicated to keeping concerned folks updated on the antics of two kooky kids, their pug and a new puppy! Stay tuned....

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The British are Coming....actually we went to them

SO to celebrate Thanksgiving, the holiday commerating the first feast of the Pilgrims who escaped the tyranny of British rule, well, we went to a pub called Big Bens'! Now when I first suggested this idea to Justin, neither one of us even sniffed the irony. Most of our friends were out of town, we couldn't make it to Tennesse as Justin was on call and neither one of us wanted to cook a big meal for just the three of us (Oscar was a little disgruntled at the lack of turkey). So I made reservations for a turkey dinner at the British Pub. They had mashed potatoes and stuffing along with English (non-stripper) pastys and turnips. At least I had the turkey - Benedict Arnold across the table ordered roast beef!
It was a nice meal although I will admit I was a little dissappointed that they were not offering pumpkin or pecan pie - I had bread pudding (delicious) and Justin had Berry Cobbler (he wasn't too thrilled with it).
Other than that, it was a pretty quiet holiday. Sharon and I checked out Latta Plantation's trails on Saturday which were actually pretty decent. Justin and I waited until Sunday to hit the mall - we headed towards Carolina Place to check out the new REI store where Justin was in a gear daze for an hour or so.
And for the rest of weekend, I slept while Justin listened to me cough up a lung - nasty colds are going around both of our offices and I got my turn with it last week.

So here's a belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope all is well!

Friday, November 10, 2006

My chocolate & cheesy magazine birthday treat

Birthday flowers from the Keelings

Stacey's Bday post (a day late)

Okay, so most of you know that I spent my bday sedated (and just let me know if you want to see pictures of my esophagus- I have them!) but it still turned out to be a good day. I awoke in the morning grouchy from lack of coffee and food and while I showered, Justin arranged the first of my birthday treats on my desk, including a card from the Oscar-dog.
After looking longingly at the chocolate assortment we headed to the hospital where my grouchiness was quickly stilled by the use of sedatives. Odd thing - so the doctor comes out to talk to me right after the procedure while I was half-awake. Thank goodness Justin was there because immediately after the doctor left, I apparently fell right back asleep for 45 minutes and woke up with no recollection of the conversation.
So after napping most of the day, I awoke, ate some b-day pizza and chocolate, watched some of my favorite shows and fell back asleep. Woo-hoo!
Tonight is my official b-day dinner at Cabo and then tomorrow, Justin & I are heading to the mountains for some hiking and camping to celebrate!
We'll have pictures for you Monday!
Hope all is well - I swear that save the dates are coming!