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Justin's Beach House

A bit of cyberspace dedicated to keeping concerned folks updated on the antics of two kooky kids, their pug and a new puppy! Stay tuned....

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Our Turkey Day!

Well, there's not much to add to Justin's post and the gazillion pictures. :-) We had a nice liesurely drive down on Thursday followed by a delicious Thanksgiving dinner but we paced ourselves as there were three more days to go! Oscar was a well-behaved little pup until we got back to Charlotte at which point he returned to his pawing and scratching and walking on your face when you're sleeping ways. All I can really add is that the Festival of Trees was really beautiful and we hope the pictures will make my mum happy as she was excited when I told her about the event. We got some great tree-decorating ideas too - I loved the chocolate tree and the woodlands tree but we were both kind of drawn to the circus tree so wacky and colorful! It was a decent drive back on Sunday, unlike my nightmare on I-95 last year, and we were happy to get back to our little house. We both picked up some sort of bug with Justin's tummy being upset and me getting the achy flu and sore throat so I'm just taking it easy today. Hope all is well with everyone and enjoy the pics!

Welcome to the World's Fair Park in KNoxville, TN

A MESS of pictures!

So due to the way the blogsite handles entries and the fact that I have to rush off to work instead of streamlining the process manually, you might have to choose "November 2005" on the right hand side there to view all the pictures. There might be 25 or so... They are from our holiday weekend visiting my parents in Knoxville and revolve around our trip to the Fantasy of Trees on Saturday. The Fantasy of Trees is a charity event for the Childrens' Hospital where local buisnesses and individuals sponsor designer Christmas trees to sell. Talk about a big to-do! There is a black tie opening, a silent auction, the trees to buy, all sorts of ornaments and decorations to pick up, and lots of things to do for the lil elves visiting with their parents. The event happens inside the brand new Knoxville Convention Center down on the World's Fair Park (yes, we're still stuck on the 1982 World's Fair that occurred here), which is just outside the University of Tennessee campus. GO VOLS!

As for the rest of the weekend, it went well. We drove into town on Thursday early afternoon with little traffic woe and a relatively clear sky. My mother made a wonderful turkey dinner and we quickly inhaled all that our tummys could handle. My sister, her new husband, and my nephew arrived Friday night and later on we met up with Paul and D at Barley's in the Old City. The Old City is in the heart of Knoxville and is an ongoing restoration project. The city doesn't want to abandon its industrial center so many of the warehouses are being renovated into lofts and buisnesses (mostly clubs and bars). It is a tedious undertaking as the buisnesses come and go since the area isn't the best, but its definitely not the worst. I have felt for years that more and more should be done with that area as it is filled with charm and historical beauty.
Did I mention Barley's has Rougue beer on tap? Say it with me: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Saturday was a bit of rest then off to the Fantasy of Trees, which took a couple of hours to see it all. Hopefully some of the pictures were all right - I did not take a tripod as I wasn't even sure at first if I could take in a camera. The lighting was very low and to get any type of decent effect I could not use a flash so that means having a steady hand as the camera tried to soak up ambient light to compensate.
The rest of the weekend was low key and relaxing. Stace and I split for the Queen city about noon on Sunday and other then an hour or so sitting with several hundred of our closest friend on the highway west of Asheville in accident traffic, it was uneventful.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday and as usual, I thank my parents for everything.


gingerbread houses 5

gingerbread houses 4

wreath displays

inside the convention center

Snow Express

Trees of Faith

wreath displays

children performers

the inside merry-go-round

Gingerbread houses1

gingerbread houses3

gingerbread houses2

1,995 display

wide shot

fireplace display

world paper tree

a whale of a tree...

Woodland Winter

Toboggans for Noggins

pointy baubles

Welcome Wagon tree

santa display

holiday messenger

The animal tree

Ho Ho Holiday self portrait

To tree or not to tree...

red and gold

Basket of holiday spirit

s'more trees, please

I said Smile, Bobby!

another potential postcard...

Stacey and I

Mom and dad and Hayden

Other families enjoying the event

Stacey and the sunsphere

North Pole this way???

We know where Santa lives

Bears and seals and geese... Oh My!

Lines and rocking chairs

Woodland tree

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Busy man cooking me a big bag of lasagna!

Me getting ready to go!

Looking Glass Falls early on a Sunday morning and me actually being still - it's so beautiful!

One of my favorites that he took - this was our first night of camping when we were the only tent at the campsites.

Our first morning all snuggled up in our bags. He even makes me smile with a camera in my face first thing in the morning!

Happy Birthday, Cold snuggling and more....

Okay, we've gotten very slack and we apologize (this is Stacey by the way) but we seem to have developed blogger's block lately. Well, I'm officially the big 2-8 now! Thanks to everyone who called and/or sent cards! We turned my girl's night out into a mini-celebration and ended up at Macs' on South Blvd that not only serves my favorite beer (Rogue Hazelnut!) and has the best darn hushpuppies ever. I celebrated with my folks when I was home but they had to UPS my gifts and they arrived on my bday which was cool - got some new hiking boots and new bedding! And the boots came in handy because Justin and I took our first camping trip together EVER! I was a little worried as I haven't packed out in quite a while but Justin was patient and it was fun.
Friday we left (after leaving poor Oscar at the vet) and headed towards Gorges State Park in Brevard County, taking the scenic route (I'll let Justin explain) and arrived around one. After a mostly downhill hike to the campsite (about 2.7 miles), we arrived to total solitude. There was no one around us and we set up camp next to a little creek. And I used a saw! Justin looks better when he does it but for the first time in my life, I used a saw properly (I was cutting firewood). Kinda made me feel all tough and outdoorsy! :-) There was a pond nearby with two benches and a little waterfall. Justin spent most of the night taking pictures while I polished off a bag of lasagna. I love him taking pictures - he gets so excited and he's so talented at it. I keep telling him we need to open a studio. But he's very practical......
Anyways, we slept great with a great view of the stars (you forget how many there are sometimes) and a little fella wandering around the brush outside. I kept trying to catch it with the headlamp but it was a quick little guy.
In the morning, we enjoyed some quiet time by the glassy pond - Justin meditated and I read. Then we ate some oatmeal and made the long journey uphill. It wasn't quite as horrible as I thought it would be but I was more short of breath than I thought my smoke-free lungs would be.
We headed next to Pisgah National Forest where we learned that they have the best marketing plan for map buying. We picked up the free one (hand-drawn) and proceeded to spend most of the day lost. We found the Looking Glass Falls and saw some beautiful scenery but when it came to finding the campsite, well, we ended up at the groupsite where they're kind enough to give you a gravel pad to sleep on??? Seriously, gravel? I'm sure it makes more sense in the long run but God put grass there for a reason people!!! It makes for a better natural mattress.
The shiny lining of that uncomfortable cloud is that camping in the park meant we got to the Looking Glass falls early when there was no crowd and good light for Justin to take pictures. It was extremely peaceful and beautiful. I almost meditated and lord knows it takes a lot to slow my mind down.
After a hike up the Sycamore Cove trail, we decided to get home and enjoy a lazy Sunday evening. On the way home, I read Annie Dillard's "A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek" to Justin - it's a very interesting non-fiction essay book that won the Pulitzer years ago. Dillard is a beautiful writer (on par with Joan Didion) and the entire book is based on what she sees at the creeks by her house - it's an acknowledgement of nature and a lesson on truly "seeing." Her brain works in wierd ways though and if you hear Justin and I talking about "exploding endoplasms", blame her!
Oh, and we finally broke down and bought a map and you know what I found - FRYING PAN LOOKOUT! How funny is that! It's our next trip so we can get a picture of us ducking and photoshop a frying pan in later! Yep, we're nerds. :-)
It was a great weekend and an excellent birthday and Justin and I continue to grow closer and closer so things are good and happy!
Another thing I've noticed since dating my JJ is that I don't mind him taking my photo. I used to literally duck and hide at the sight of a camera but I can look straight at Justin's camera and smile. He makes me feel beautiful.
And enough mushy....we're just getting ready for Justin's friend David to visit this weekend and plan out our floor demolishing and then to Tennesse for Thanksgiving with Justin's family. I'll post some pics and we'll get better about writing. Hope all is well with everyone!!